Goat project - Congo Action 3

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Goat project

How we help
From 2012 until 2016 the villages of Cidjo and Bunkivane each benefited from the CongoAction Goat initiative run in conjunction with the local vet who is very committed to the programme.

The  scheme expected commitment from its participants. Before receiving a  goat each needed to have undergone a training programme run by the vet, have  built a small stable attached to their house and have access to foliage  to feed the goat. They also needed to make a small contribution to the  programme.

Well over 15 stables were built. The project reached the end of its life as the  villagers learnt to managie the distribution of goats to group members.  One key factor to the success of this project was the provision of Congo  Action money for vet fees and medicine. We believe that with the positive input and focus given by Congo Action to this project the villagers gained sufficient knowledge to be able to persue this very profitable activity.
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